Pipe Up for Teens

the homeschool public speaking club

Getting busy homeschool students more public speaking practice 

I used to be absolutely terrified to speak in front of the class.  Now I can do it and I even enjoy it!  Thank you Pipe Up for Teens!                                                                  – Ryan, 2015  Bellevue, WA

What we do

Pipe Up For Teens is a public speaking & leadership course for homeschool co-ops or after-school groups. The course material (textbook) is provided online and the student-led club meetings are conducted at your facility or co-op with the oversight of a teacher or facilitator.   

Pipe Up for Teens provides the facilitator with a course curriculum, online classroom-management tools and new material published each week to delight and engage students.


Each Pipe Up for Teens class has its own private online “Clubhouse” where speeches are assigned and student progress is awarded.  A blog about public speaking, a meeting roster, and essential printouts & checklists to make the most of classroom time are provided. 

The clubhouse’s email system ensures security with all emails between student & facilitator cc’ed to parent.

What We champion

Regular practice normalizes public speaking. Homeschool parents have the unique opportunity to train their students to be as comfortable and authentic when speaking in public as when they’re conversing with friends and family.

The ability to speak in public is arguably even more valuable an asset to your career than the name of the school you attended.  Pipe Up for Teens gives students the essential stage time to become comfortable when speaking in a public forum. The meetings are fast moving, upbeat and fun. 

Maximize support and minimize stress for anxious speakers with the Pipe Up for Teens method. 

Start or Join a Club.

Operating since 2009

Pipe Up for Teens has been successfully educating home school students in Public Speaking & Leadership for the past decade.

–  Sara Froelich, 2020   Club Founder

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