no chapter Chapter Clubhouse
Welcome, no first name!
In which place, would you like to spend a few days?

Destination 1 represents that droning and monotonous speech that is void of all expression and vocal variety.
Destination 2 represents music to your ears.
Can't you just imagine poking in and around all the colorful buildings in the Italian village in destination 2? Think of the sun on your face and seeking shade in some little shop front. Imagine what you would hear from oceanic sounds to chatter of locals to the traffic. And the food! What exotic meal would be enticing you? How many days would you love to spend lost in this Mediterranean town?
Just as the mountain-side village provides a feast of sights and sounds, so does expression and vocal variety provide delight to the those listening to a speech. Destination 1 is reminiscent of the speech that will put you straight to sleep in your chair listening to the same hollow echo over and over again. How long could you possibly pay attention? Whenever you can, spruce up or decorate your speech with the following conventions especially if you are telling a story.
- Give your character's voices
- use pitch to alter your voice
- smile when appropriate as that will affect your voice.
- speed up and slow down your pace of speech
- use pauses
- speak softly at times and louder at others
Experiment and get feedback from your classmates. Have fun and so will your audience. Take them on a great trip with your speech or story!