Agenda Maker - assign meeting roles

Recommended roles for class size

Recommended assignment of roles in groups of 9 students:
  1. Meeting Leader
  2. Off-the-Cuff Leader & Attendance Officer,
  3. Prepared Speech 1 & Warm Fuzzy Secretary
  4. Prepared Speech 2 & Treasurer (if needed)
  5. Prepared Speech 3 & TOP Sheet Clerk
  6. Evaluator 1& “Ah, Like, Um” Counter
  7. Evaluator 2 & Photographer
  8. Evaluator 3 & Timer Clerk
  9. Word of the Day App

If during the course of the meeting, the Prepared Speeches take 25 minutes, consider omitting the Evaluations from the meeting to allow for more time for Off-the-Cuff.  The Evaluators will still  1) give a written assessment to the speakers and 2) participate in the Judges’ huddle.

Duty Roster view

Meeting Leader
Off-the-Cuff Leader
Prepared Speech #1
Prepared Speech #2
Prepared Speech #3
Prepared Speech #4
Evaluator to Speech #1
Evaluator to Speech #2
Evaluator to Speech #3
Evaluator to Speech #4
Warm Fuzzy Secretary
Word of the Day App
TOP Sheet Clerk
Attendance Officer
Timer Clerk
“Ah, Like, Um” Counter